If you're looking to run a marathon in under four hours, you're in the right place! Running a sub-four hour marathon is an incredible goal, it's a very achievable marathon time, and totally possible for any runner who is willing to put in around four months following a good training plan.
Even if it's your first marathon, crossing the finish line in under four hours is within reach for many runners.
To run a marathon in 4 hours or less, runners should have good running technique, have no major physical limitations, and have already been running regularly for at least three to six months.
This guide will provide you with the essential information and training plan you need to achieve this goal. Here are the marathon race pace metrics a runner needs to hold over 26.2 miles (42.2 kilometers) to break the 4 hour barrier:
- average pace of 9:09 seconds per mile
- 6.57 miles per hour
- average pace of 5:41 seconds per kilometer
- 10.55 kilometres per hour

Key Takeaways You'll Learn From Reading This Article
- What is sub-4 hour marathon pace?
- Time standards for a sub-four-hour marathon
- Essential elements of a four-month marathon training plan
- Nutrition strategies for marathon performance
- Race day pace strategy to run a sub-four-hour marathon
- Cross training with strength workouts and its benefits for marathon runners
- How many miles per week are needed in a sub-4 marathon training program
Race Times for a Sub Four-Hour Marathon
To have a good likelihood of achieving a sub-three-hour marathon, runners should roughly be able to run one of the following:
- Sub 25-minute 5k
- Sub-50-minute 10k
- Sub 1:50 half marathon
- Be able to perform long Zone 2 runs around 9:40 minutes per mile (6:00 per kilometer) or faster
- Be able to perform mile repeats at sub 7:00 per mile pace
If you can't achieve these times, don't be discouraged. While these benchmarks are good indicators, it doesn't mean you can't achieve a sub-four-hour marathon if you fall short. It might just take faster progress than most people make or require focusing on shorter races to train your body for more speed before starting a sub-four-hour marathon training plan.
Want to Run a Sub-4-Hour Marathon? Nail These Four Things
1. Have a Relatively Athletic Background
You don't need the current fitness level of a fitness influencer or professional runner to be a sub four hour marathoner; almost everyone can achieve this goal. However, you will need to be relatively fit depending on your starting point.
- If you're starting from absolute scratch, you'll need to be quite young and fit to reach the four hour cutoff
- If you've been running for 3-6 months and aren't very overweight or have major physical limitations you shouldn't have a problem running a marathon in under four hours after following a good training plan for four months
- If you're an older runner who's 60 years of age or older, you'll need a solid background of at least several years of training and racing so you have a deep base of running fitness
Training to run a four hour marathon is less about natural ability, and more about having a willingness to put in solid work during your training.
2. Follow a Well-Designed Marathon Training Plan for Six Months
Runners need to follow a well-designed marathon training plan that has the following characteristics:
- Studies support 70-80% of your training should be at low intensity (all easy runs should be a very slow run).
- Other studies found that having 10-15% of your training at moderate tempo intensity leads to good race performance.
- Perform the final 10-15% of your training time with fast intervals to improve Vo2 Max, which has been proven to be highly correlated with improved running performance.
- Include 30-60 minutes of strength training to improve speed, stability, and running economy.
A well-structured marathon training plan balances different types of workouts to build endurance, speed, and strength. Low-intensity runs are crucial for building aerobic capacity and facilitating recovery, while tempo runs and intervals help improve your lactate threshold and running economy. Strength training is often overlooked but plays a significant role in preventing injuries and enhancing performance.
3. Dial in Your Marathon Nutrition Strategy
To perform your best on race day, you need to keep your blood glucose and muscle glycogen levels high. Fuelling correctly means:
- Replacing roughly 25% of the calories you burn during the race with liquid calories like a sports drink or gel.
- Consuming a small sip of water and electrolytes at every aid station helps you stay hydrated and maintain electrolyte balance.
You can use the nutrition calorie calculator below to find out how many calories you need to consume during the race. You can click here to read more about running nutrition. Your nutrition strategy should be practiced during long training runs to ensure your stomach can handle the intake and to fine-tune what works best for you.
4. Nail Your Marathon Pace Strategy
If you've done all the training and fuelled yourself properly during the race, you need to execute your race strategy correctly to achieve the sub-four-hour marathon. Many marathon runners aiming for a sub 4 marathon (9:09 seconds per mile) will start the race faster than this pace only to finish 2-3 minutes per mile slower at the end of the race.
Your marathon pace strategy should consider your current fitness, race conditions, and experience. Practice race pace during long runs and tempo sessions to get comfortable with the effort level required to sustain it for 26.2 miles. Remember, even pacing is the best strategy for optimal performance.
Marathon Pacing Strategy to Run a Sub Four-Hour Marathon
Your marathon pace strategy is critical to get right when you're targeting a sub-three-hour marathon. Going out too fast can lead to hitting the wall while starting too slow might leave you with too much ground to make up in the latter stages of the race.
Here is a race day pace strategy that you can follow for a three-hour marathon:
- First six miles (10 kilometers): Do not go faster than 9:05 per mile; this pace should feel extremely easy and will conserve energy for later in the race.
- Middle 13 miles (21 kilometers): Settle into a steady pace and run a little more freely based on what your body feels capable of. Don't run any mile splits faster than 9:00 per mile or slower than 9:20 per mile.
- Final 7.2 miles: This is where things will get tough. You'll know how much your body can push at this point. Push yourself as hard as you can to hold the pace and not slow down, a good pace strategy will allow you to run steady to the end.
The key to a successful marathon is holding yourself back in the first half of the race. Even though you might feel good at the start, resist the temptation to use too much energy early on. Conserving energy for the latter stages will give you the best chance of maintaining your goal pace and finishing strong.
16 Week Sub-4 Hour Marathon Training Plan
- Week 1: Fitness Testing & Zone Development. (2:55-3:45hrs)
- Monday. Rest Day
- Tuesday. Intense Run (40-60mins):
- Warm Up. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 2, 5 minutes of running drills including 5x15 seconds strides at zone 4 effort
- Main Set. 5 minutes at the fast end of 10k race effort 1 minute easy jogging recovery 4 minutes at the fast end of 10k race effort, 1 minute easy jogging recovery, 3 minutes at the fast end of 10k race effort, 1 minute easy jogging recovery, 2 minutes at the fast end of 10k race effort, 1 minute easy jogging recovery, 1 minute at the fast end of 10k race effort, 1 minute easy jogging recovery
- Cool Down. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in zone 2
- Wednesday. Strength workout (25-35mins):
- Main Set: 5 minutes of Crocodile Breathing Rib Cage Pull, 5 breathes each side Brettzel, 5 each side Toe Touch Progression - Toes Elevated, Heels down, 10x each exercise Tibialis Anterior Activation, 3x each side, hold for 5 sec each time, Bootstrappers
- Thursday. Steady Run (50-70mins):
- Warm Up. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 2, 5 minutes of running drills including 5x15 seconds strides at zone 4 effort
- Main Set 1. 20 Minutes: Run steady at tempo effort top of Zone 3
- Rest Set. 3 Minutes: Easy walking/jogging
- Main Set 2. Repeat twice: 5 minutes at tempo effort 1 minute walking/jogging recovery
- Cool Down. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in zone 2
- Friday. Rest Day
- Saturday. Rest Day
- Sunday. Run Time Trial Workout (60mins):
- Warm Up. 10 Minutes: 5 minute easy jogging warm up, 5 minutes of running drills & dynamic stretching, include 5x50m strides building to zone 4 effort
- Running time trial. 3 kilometres (1.86 miles): Run this distance as fast as possible
- Cool Down: Run the remainder of the run in Zone 2 until you reach 60 minutes total running
- Week 2: Adapt to New Training Zones. (3:40-4:40hrs)
- Monday. Rest Day
- Tuesday. Intense Run (60-80mins):
- Warm Up. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 2, 5 minutes of running drills including 5x15 seconds strides at zone 4 effort
- Main Set. Repeat 6-8 times, ending when you feel like the next interval is the last you could possibly do at the same pace: 800m at marathon goal time, 2.5 minutes easy jogging recovery
- Cool Down. (10-20mins): Easy jogging in zone 2
- Wednesday. Strength workout (25-35mins):
- Warm Up. 5-10 Minutes: Light bodyweight activation Workout Pattern: 2 rounds with 1 minute rest between rounds
- Main Set: straight arm bar to Turkish get up with Windmill, 1x each side (Light Kettlebell) Side Saddle Sit, switch & lift, 5x each side (Medium Kettlebell) Low Squat Hold, 1 minute (Light Kettlebell) Tall Kneeling halo, 8x each direction (Light Kettlebell)
- Cooldown Stretches. Hold each stretch for 1 minute each side: Scorpion, Hip Flexor Stretch, Figure 4 & Thread the Needle
- Thursday. Steady Run (55-75mins):
- Warm Up. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 2, 5 minutes of running drills including 5x15 seconds strides at zone 4 effort
- Main Set. Repeat 3 times: 12 minutes running steady at tempo effort top of Zone 3 1 minute easy walking/jogging
- Cool Down. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in zone 2
- Friday. Rest Day
- Saturday. Rest Day
- Sunday. Long Run (80-90mins):
- Run easy in Zone 2 heart rate
- Week 3: Build Endurance & Speed. (3:45-4:45hrs)
- Monday. Rest Day
- Tuesday. Intense Run (45-65mins):
- Warm Up. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 2, 5 minutes of running drills including 5x15 seconds strides at zone 4 effort
- Main Set. Repeat 10-12 times, ending when you feel like the next interval is the last you could possibly do at the same pace: 1 minute effort uphill at moderate effort zone 4 effort, easy downhill jogging recovery
- Cool Down. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in zone 2
- Wednesday. Strength workout (25-35mins):
- Warm Up. 5-10 Minutes: Light bodyweight activation
- Workout Pattern: 2 rounds with 1 minute rest between rounds
- Main Set: Active Leg Lifts with KB Bottoms Up, 10x each side (Light Kettlebell) Active Leg Lower with KB Bottoms Up, 10x each side (Light Kettlebell) Half Kneeling Twists with 1 KB - Head, Trunk, 1 minute each rotation, do both sides (Medium Kettlebell) Side squats, 2 sec holds, alternate sides, 5x each side (Medium Kettlebell) Turkish get up Transitions, 3x per side (Light Kettlebell)
- Cool Down Stretches. Hold each stretch for 1 minute each side:
- Tactical Frog, Spine Lumbar Twist Stretch
- Thursday. Steady Run (65-85mins):
- Warm Up. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 2, 5 minutes of running drills including 5x15 seconds strides at zone 4 effort
- Main Set. Repeat 3 times: 15 minutes running steady at tempo effort top of Zone 3, 1 minute easy walking/jogging
- Cool Down. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in zone 2
- Friday. Rest Day
- Saturday. Rest Day
- Sunday. Long Run (90-100mins):
- Warm Up. 30 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 1
- Main Set. Repeat 3 times: 12 minutes at goal marathon pace, 3 minutes easy jogging recovery
- Cooldown. 15-25 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 1
- Week 4: Build Endurance & Speed. (4:00-5:00hrs)
- Monday. Rest Day
- Tuesday. Intense Run (55-75mins):
- Warm Up. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 2, 5 minutes of running drills including 5x15 seconds strides at zone 4 effort
- Main Set. Repeat 8-10 times, ending when you feel like the next interval is the last you could possibly do at the same pace: 2 minutes at the fast end of 10k race effort, 1 minute easy jogging recovery
- Cool Down. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in zone 2
- Wednesday. Strength workout (25-35mins):
- Warm Up. 5-10 Minutes: Light bodyweight activation
- Workout Pattern: Three rounds with 1 minute rest between rounds
- Main Set. Turkish get up , 2x each side (Light Kettlebell) Windmill, 5x each side (Medium Kettlebell, hold with arm facing up) Side squats, 5x each side (Light Kettlebell) Halos, 5x each direction (Light Kettlebell) Bent arm bar, 5x each side(Light Kettlebell)
- Cool Down Stretches. Hold each stretch for 1 minute each side:
- Spine Lumbar Twist Stretch, Scorpion, Hip Flexor with back foot turned in
- Thursday. Steady Run (50-70mins):
- Warm Up. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 2, 5 minutes of running drills including 5x15 seconds strides at zone 4 effort
- Main Set. Repeat 4-5 times, ending when you feel like the next interval is the last you could possibly do at the same pace: 1 mile (1600m) at fast tempo effort, 1 minute easy walking/jogging
- Cool Down. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in zone 2
- Friday. Rest Day
- Saturday. Rest Day
- Sunday. Long Run (110-120mins):
- Run easy in Zone 2 heart rate
- Week 5: Recovery Week. (3:15-4:25hrs)
- Monday. Rest Day
- Tuesday. Intense Run (55-75mins):
- Warm Up. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 2, 5 minutes of running drills including 5x15 seconds strides at zone 4 effort
- Main Set. Repeat 5-6 times, ending when you feel like the next interval is the last you could possibly do at the same pace: 1 kilometre at 10k race pace 2 minutes easy jogging recovery
- Cool Down. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in zone 2
- Wednesday. Strength workout (25-35mins):
- Round 1: Tactical Frog, 1min Scorpion, 5x each direction Side Saddle Sit, 1 minute each side
- Round 2: Tactical Frog with Rotation, 5x per side Scorpion, 30 seconds each side Side Saddle Sit with Lift, 5 lifts each side
- Round 3: Tactical Frog, 1min Scorpion, 30 seconds each side Side Saddle Sit with Lift, 5 lifts each side
- Stretches: Bridge with palms together, hold 1-1.5min Bridge with palms together, hold 30sec Child's Pose, 1min Pigeon Stretch, 1 minute each side
- Thursday. Steady Run (55-75mins):
- Warm Up. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 2, 5 minutes of running drills including 5x15 seconds strides at zone 4 effort
- Main Set. Repeat 4 times: 8 minutes running steady at tempo effort top of Zone 3, 1 minute easy walking/jogging
- Cool Down. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in zone 2
- Friday. Rest Day
- Saturday. Rest Day
- Sunday. Long Run (60-80mins):
- Easy running at Zone 2 heart rate
- Week 6: Build Endurance & Speed. (3:55-4:55hrs)
- Monday. Rest Day
- Tuesday. Intense Run (50-70mins):
- Warm Up. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 2, 5 minutes of running drills including 5x15 seconds strides at zone 4 effort
- Main Set. Repeat 14-16 times, ending when you feel like the next interval is the last you could possibly do at the same pace: 30 second zone 5 effort uphill, easy downhill jogging recovery
- Cool Down. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in zone 2
- Wednesday. Strength workout (25-35mins):
- Warm Up. 5-10 Minutes of light bodyweight activation
- Workout Pattern: Repeat each exercise for 3 rounds total:
- Sequence 1: Tall Kneeling with Posterior Load - head twist (left, right), shoulder & head twist (alternating), 1 minute each (Heavy Kettlebell) Half Kneeling Holds - shoulders (no hips), shoulders/hips, Perform each exercise for 1 minute each side (Heavy Kettlebell)
- Sequence 2: Half Kneeling Press, 5x each side (Light Kettlebell) bridge pullovers, 10x (Medium Kettlebell) straight arm bar , 3x each side
- Cool Down Stretches. Hold each stretch for 1 minute each side: Child's Pose Scorpion
- Thursday. Steady Run (60-80mins):
- Warm Up. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 2, 5 minutes of running drills including 5x15 seconds strides at zone 4 effort
- Main Set. Repeat 6-7 times, ending when you feel like the next interval is the last you could possibly do at the same pace: 1 mile (1600m) at fast tempo effort 1 minute easy walking/jogging
- Cool Down. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in zone 2
- Friday. Rest Day
- Saturday. Rest Day
- Sunday. Long Run (100-110mins):
- Run easy in Zone 2 heart rate
- Week 7: Build Endurance & Speed. (4:10-5:10hrs)
- Monday. Rest Day
- Tuesday. Intense Run (55-75mins):
- Warm Up. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 2, 5 minutes of running drills including 5x15 seconds strides at zone 4 effort
- Main Set: 1 minute at the fast end of 10k race effort, 1 minute easy jogging recovery 2 minutes at the fast end of 10k race effort, 1 minute easy jogging recovery, 3 minutes at the fast end of 10k race effort, 1 minute easy jogging recovery, 4 minutes at the fast end of 10k race effort, 1 minute easy jogging recovery, 5 minutes at the fast end of 10k race effort, 1 minute easy jogging recovery, 4 minutes at the fast end of 10k race effort, 1 minute easy jogging recovery, 3 minutes at the fast end of 10k race effort, 1 minute easy jogging recovery, 2 minutes at the fast end of 10k race effort, 1 minute easy jogging recovery, 1 minute at the fast end of 10k race effort, 1 minute easy jogging recovery
- Cool Down. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in zone 2
- Wednesday. Strength workout (25-35mins):
- Warm Up: 5-10 minutes of light bodyweight activation
- Main Set: Side squats with halo, alternating sides, 2 round of 1 minute each side (Light Kettlebell) Toe Touch Progressions - Toes Elevated, Heels down, 10x each exercise Weighted Hamstring Stretch, 2 rounds of 30 seconds holds (Light Kettlebell) 2 Kettlebell Windmill, 3x each side (Light Kettlebell, 1 per hand) Loaded Low Squat, hold for 1 minute (Light Kettlebell) Bottoms Up Turkish get up , 1x each side (Light Kettlebell)
- Cool Down: 3-5 minutes of light stretching
- Thursday. Steady Run (60-80mins):
- Warm Up. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 2, 5 minutes of running drills including 5x15 seconds strides at zone 4 effort
- Main Set. Repeat twice: 20 minutes running steady at tempo effort top of Zone 3, 2 minutes easy walking/jogging
- Cool Down. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in zone 2
- Friday. Rest Day
- Saturday. Rest Day
- Sunday. Long Run (110-120mins):
- Warm Up. 30 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 1
- Main Set. Repeat 8 times: 1 mile at goal marathon pace 2 minutes easy jogging recovery
- Cooldown. 10-15 Minutes of easy jogging in Zone 1
- Week 8: Build Endurance & Speed. (3:45-5:20hrs)
- Monday. Rest Day
- Tuesday. Intense Run (60-80mins):
- Warm Up. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 2, 5 minutes of running drills including 5x15 seconds strides at zone 4 effort
- Main Set. Repeat 5-6 times, ending when you feel like the next interval is the last you could possibly do at the same pace: 1 mile (1600m) at 10k race pace, 3.5 minutes easy walking/jogging recovery
- Cool Down. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in zone 2
- Wednesday. Strength workout (25-35mins):
- Warm Up: 5-10 minutes of light bodyweight activation
- Workout Pattern: Repeat each exercise for 2 more rounds, 5x each side / 1 minute / 3x each leg with 2x each side
- Main Set: Half Kneeling - Twist THEN Press, 3x each side (Light Kettlebell) Half Kneeling - Twist WITH Press, 3x each side (Light Kettlebell) Half Kneeling - 2 Kettlebell Turns, 30 seconds per side (Medium Kettlebell) Half Kneeling to Standing Rotation, 1x each leg with 1x each side (Medium Kettlebell)
- Cool Down: 3-5 minutes of light stretching
- Thursday. Steady Run (50-70mins):
- Warm Up. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 2, 5 minutes of running drills including 5x15 seconds strides at zone 4 effort
- Main Set. 30 Minutes: Run steady at tempo effort top of Zone 3
- Cool Down. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in zone 2
- Friday. Rest Day
- Saturday. Rest Day
- Sunday. Long Run (120-135mins):
- Run easy in Zone 2 heart rate
- Week 9: Fitness Testing and Zone Development. (2:50-3:40hrs)
- Monday. Rest Day
- Tuesday. Intense Run (40-60mins):
- Warm Up. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 2, 5 minutes of running drills including 5x15 seconds strides at zone 4 effort
- Main Set. Repeat 10 times: 1 minute at the fast end of 10k race effort, 1 minute easy jogging recovery
- Cool Down. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in zone 2
- Wednesday. Strength workout (25-35mins):
- Main Set. Repeat each exercise for three rounds: Inchworm walkout, 5x Bear crawl twists, 10x each side, alternating sides Bear walk, 5x each direction Pointers, 10x each side Deadbugs, 10x each side
- Rolling Patterns. Perform each twice on each side:
- Leg Rollovers Upper Body Rollovers Whole Body Rollover
- Thursday. Steady Run (45-65mins):
- Warm Up. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 2, 5 minutes of running drills including 5x15 seconds strides at zone 4 effort
- Main Set. Repeat twice: 12 minutes running steady at tempo effort top of Zone 3, 1 minute easy walking/jogging
- Cool Down. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in zone 2
- Friday. Rest Day
- Saturday. Rest Day
- Sunday. Run Time Trial Workout (60mins):
- Warm Up: 10 Minutes: 5 minute easy jogging warm up, 5 minutes of running drills & dynamic stretching, include 5x50m strides building to zone 4 effort
- Running time trial. 3 kilometers (1.86 miles): Run this distance as fast as possible
- Cool Down: Run the remainder of the run in Zone 2 until you reach 60 minutes total running
- Week 10: Adapt to New Training Zones. (4:20-5:20hrs)
- Monday. Rest Day
- Tuesday. Intense Run (70-90mins):
- Warm Up. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 2, 5 minutes of running drills including 5x15 seconds strides at zone 4 effort
- Main Set. Repeat 8-10 times, ending when you feel like the next interval is the last you could possibly do at the same pace: 800m at marathon goal pace, 2.5 minutes easy jogging recovery
- Cool Down. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in zone 2
- Wednesday. Strength workout (25-35mins):
- Warm Up. 5-10 Minutes: Light bodyweight activation
- Workout Pattern: 2 rounds with 1 minute rest between rounds
- Main Set: straight arm bar to Turkish get up with Windmill, 1x each side (Light Kettlebell) Side Saddle Sit, switch & lift, 5x each side (Medium Kettlebell) Low Squat Hold, 1 minute (Light Kettlebell) Tall Kneeing halo, 8x each direction (Light Kettlebell)
- Cooldown Stretches. Hold each stretch for 1 minute each side:
- Scorpion Hip Flexor Stretch, Figure 4 & Thread the Needle
- Thursday. Steady Run (55-75mins):
- Warm Up. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 2, 5 minutes of running drills including 5x15 seconds strides at zone 4 effort
- Main Set. 35 Minutes: Run steady at tempo effort top of Zone 3
- Cool Down. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in zone 2
- Friday. Rest Day
- Saturday. Rest Day
- Sunday. Long Run (110-120mins):
- Run easy in Zone 2 heart rate
- Week 11: Build Endurance & Speed. (4:35-5:40hrs)
- Monday. Rest Day
- Tuesday. Intense Run (60-80mins):
- Warm Up. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 2, 5 minutes of running drills including 5x15 seconds strides at zone 4 effort
- Main Set. Repeat 8-9 times, ending when you feel like the next interval is the last you could possibly do at the same pace: 3 minutes at the fast end of 10k race effort, 2 minutes easy jogging recovery
- Cool Down. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in zone 2
- Wednesday. Strength workout (25-35mins):
- Warm Up. 5-10 Minutes: Light bodyweight activation
- Workout Pattern: 2 rounds with 1 minute rest between rounds
- Main Set: Active Leg Lifts with KB Bottoms Up, 10x each side (Light Kettlebell) Active Leg Lower with KB Bottoms Up, 10x each side (Light Kettlebell) Half Kneeling Twists with 1 KB - Head, Trunk, 1 minute each rotation, do both sides (Medium Kettlebell) Side squats, 2 sec holds, alternate sides, 5x each side (Medium Kettlebell) Turkish get up Transitions, 3x per side (Light Kettlebell)
- Cool Down Stretches. Hold each stretch for 1 minute each side:
- Tactical Frog, Spine Lumbar Twist Stretch
- Thursday. Steady Run (70-90mins):
- Warm Up. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 2, 5 minutes of running drills including 5x15 seconds strides at zone 4 effort
- Main Set. Repeat 7-8 times, ending when you feel like the next interval is the last you could possibly do at the same pace: 1 mile at fast tempo effort 1 minute easy walking/jogging
- Cool Down. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in zone 2
- Friday. Rest Day
- Saturday. Rest Day
- Sunday. Long Run (120-135mins):
- Warm Up. 30 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 1
- Main Set. Repeat 10-11 times, ending when you feel like the next interval is the last you could possibly do at the same pace: 1 mile at goal marathon pace, 2 minutes easy jogging recovery
- Cooldown. 10-15 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 1
- Week 12: Build Endurance & Speed. (5:05-6:10hrs)
- Monday. Rest Day
- Tuesday. Intense Run (70-90mins):
- Warm Up. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 2, 5 minutes of running drills including 5x15 seconds strides at zone 4 effort
- Main Set. 1 mile at 10k race pace, 3.5 minutes easy walking/jogging recovery, 2 miles at 10k race pace, 3.5 minutes easy walking/jogging recovery, 2 miles at 10k race pace, 3.5 minutes easy walking/jogging recovery, 1 mile at 10k race pace, 3.5 minutes easy walking/jogging recovery
- Cool Down. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in zone 2
- Wednesday. Strength workout (25-35mins):
- Warm Up. 5-10 Minutes: Light bodyweight activation Workout Pattern: Three rounds with 1 minute rest between rounds
- Main Set. Turkish get up , 2x each side (Light Kettlebell) Windmill, 5x each side (Medium Kettlebell, hold with arm facing up) Side squats, 5x each side (Light Kettlebell) Halos, 5x each direction (Light Kettlebell) Bent arm bar, 5x each side(Light Kettlebell)
- Cool Down Stretches. Hold each stretch for 1 minute each side:
- Spine Lumbar Twist Stretch, Scorpion, Hip Flexor with back foot turned in
- Thursday. Steady Run (60-80mins):
- Warm Up. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 2, 5 minutes of running drills including 5x15 seconds strides at zone 4 effort
- Main Set. 40 Minutes: Run steady at tempo effort top of Zone 3
- Cool Down. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in zone 2
- Friday. Rest Day
- Saturday. Rest Day
- Sunday. Long Run (150-165mins):
- Run easy in Zone 2 heart rate
- Week 13: Recovery Week. (3:30-4:20hrs)
- Monday. Rest Day
- Tuesday. Intense Run (50-60mins):
- Warm Up. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 2, 5 minutes of running drills including 5x15 seconds strides at zone 4 effort
- Main Set. Repeat 10-12 times, ending when you feel like the next interval is the last you could possibly do at the same pace: 30 second zone 5 effort uphill, easy downhill jogging recovery
- Cool Down. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in zone 2
- Wednesday. Strength workout (25-35mins):
- Round 1: Tactical Frog, 1min Scorpion, 5x each direction Side Saddle Sit, 1 minute each side
- Round 2: Tactical Frog with Rotation, 5x per side Scorpion, 30 seconds each side Side Saddle Sit with Lift, 5 lifts each side
- Round 3: Tactical Frog, 1min Scorpion, 30 seconds each side Side Saddle Sit with Lift, 5 lifts each side
- Stretches: Bridge with palms together, hold 1-1.5min Bridge with palms together, hold 30sec Child's Pose, 1min Pigeon Stretch, 1 minute each side
- Thursday. Steady Run (55-75mins):
- Warm Up. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 2, 5 minutes of running drills including 5x15 seconds strides at zone 4 effort
- Main Set. Repeat 3 times: 10 minutes running steady at tempo effort top of Zone 3, 1 minute easy walking/jogging
- Cool Down. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in zone 2
- Friday. Rest Day
- Saturday. Rest Day
- Sunday. Long Run (80-90mins):
- Easy running at Zone 2 heart rate
- Week 14: Peak Marathon Training. (4:55-5:55hrs)
- Monday. Rest Day
- Tuesday. Intense Run (60-80mins):
- Warm Up. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 2, 5 minutes of running drills including 5x15 seconds strides at zone 4 effort
- Main Set. Repeat 16-18 times, ending when you feel like the next interval is the last you could possibly do at the same pace: 1 minute at the fast end of 10k race effort, 1 minute easy jogging recovery
- Cool Down. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in zone 2
- Wednesday. Strength workout (25-35mins):
- Warm Up. 5-10 Minutes: Light bodyweight activation
- Workout Pattern: 2 rounds with 1 minute rest between rounds
- Main Set: straight arm bar to Turkish get up with Windmill, 1x each side (Light Kettlebell) Side Saddle Sit, switch & lift, 5x each side (Medium Kettlebell) Low Squat Hold, 1 minute (Light Kettlebell) Tall Kneeling halo, 8x each direction (Light Kettlebell)
- Cooldown Stretches. Hold each stretch for 1 minute each side:
- Scorpion, Hip Flexor Stretch, Figure 4 & Thread the Needle
- Thursday. Steady Run (60-80mins):
- Warm Up. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 2, 5 minutes of running drills including 5x15 seconds strides at zone 4 effort
- Main Set. Repeat 6 times: 6 minutes at fast tempo effort, 1 minute easy walking/jogging
- Cool Down. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in zone 2
- Friday. Rest Day
- Saturday. Rest Day
- Sunday. Long Run (150-160mins):
- Warm Up. 30 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 2
- Main Set. Repeat 4 times: 3 miles at goal marathon pace, 2.5 minutes easy jogging recovery
- Cooldown. 10-15 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 1
- Week 15: Final Peak Marathon Build Week. (5:55-7:00hrs)
- Monday. Rest Day
- Tuesday. Intense Run (80-100mins):
- Warm Up. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 2, 5 minutes of running drills including 5x15 seconds strides at zone 4 effort
- Main Set. Repeat 10-12 times, ending when you feel like the next interval is the last you could possibly do at the same pace: 800m at marathon goal time, 2.5 minutes easy jogging recovery
- Cool Down. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in zone 2
- Wednesday. Strength workout (25-35mins):
- Warm Up. 5-10 Minutes: Light bodyweight activation
- Workout Pattern: 2 rounds with 1 minute rest between rounds
- Main Set: Active Leg Lifts with KB Bottoms Up, 10x each side (Light Kettlebell) Active Leg Lower with KB Bottoms Up, 10x each side (Light Kettlebell) Half Kneeling Twists with 1 KB - Head, Trunk, 1 minute each rotation, do both sides (Medium Kettlebell) Side squats, 2 sec holds, alternate sides, 5x each side (Medium Kettlebell) Turkish get up Transitions, 3x per side (Light Kettlebell)
- Cool Down Stretches. Hold each stretch for 1 minute each side:
- Tactical Frog, Spine Lumbar Twist Stretch
- Thursday. Steady Run (70-90mins):
- Warm Up. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in Zone 2, 5 minutes of running drills including 5x15 seconds strides at zone 4 effort
- Main Set. 6-8 Miles: Run steady at tempo effort top of Zone 3, ending when you feel like the next mile is the last you could possibly do at the same pace
- Cool Down. 10-20 Minutes: Easy jogging in zone 2
- Friday. Rest Day
- Saturday. Rest Day
- Sunday. Long Run (180-195mins):
- Run easy in Zone 2 heart rate
- Week 16: Taper Week. (1:15-1:25hrs)
- Monday. Strength workout (25-35mins):
- Warm Up: 5-10 minutes of light bodyweight activation
- Main Set: Side squats with halo, alternating sides, 2 round of 1 minute each side (Light Kettlebell) Toe Touch Progressions - Toes Elevated, Heels down, 10x each exercise Weighted Hamstring Stretch, 2 rounds of 30 seconds holds (Light Kettlebell) 2 Kettlebell Windmill, 3x each side (Light Kettlebell, 1 per hand) Loaded Low Squat, hold for 1 minute (Light Kettlebell) Bottoms Up Turkish get up , 1x each side (Light Kettlebell)
- Cool Down: 3-5 minutes of light stretching
- Tuesday. Intense Run. (25mins)
- 25min easy run with heart rate in Zone 2, include 8x30sec fast pick ups at Zone 4 pace spread throughout.
- Wednesday. Rest Day
- Thursday. Rest Day
- Friday. Easy Run (15mins):
- Run this entire run easy, including 3x1min at marathon race pace. Take as much time as needed between these intervals.
- Saturday. Shakeout Run (10mins)
- Easy jogging to keep the legs fresh for race day
- Sunday. Race Day:
- You’re ready to nail this marathon!!
FAQ About How to Break 4 Hours In a Marathon
Q: What is the significance of the 4 hour marathon pace in running?
A: The 4 hour marathon pace is a common goal for many runners aiming to finish a marathon in a respectable time.
Q: How can I train to achieve a sub-4 hour marathon?
A: To achieve a sub-4 hour marathon, you should follow a structured training schedule, gradually increasing your mileage per week and incorporating speed work sessions into your training plan.
Q: What is the importance of the 20 mile training session in marathon training?
A: The 20 mile longest training session helps marathoners build their endurance and confidence before race day.
Q: How should I pace myself during a marathon to achieve a sub-4 hour finish?
A: To achieve a sub-4 hour marathon, you should aim for a consistent pace throughout the race, starting at an easy pace and gradually increasing your speed as you progress.
Q: What are some tips for maintaining a 4-hour marathon pace?
A: To maintain a 4-hour marathon pace, focus on your breathing, form, and nutrition during the race. Practice running at your goal pace during training sessions to familiarize yourself with the speed.
Q: Is cross-training essential for preparing for a marathon?
A: Cross-training can help improve your overall fitness level and prevent injury during marathon training. Incorporate activities like cycling, swimming, or strength training alongside your running sessions.
Q: How can I build my endurance for a 4-hour marathon?
A: Gradually increase your mileage per week, include long runs in your training schedule, and practice running at your marathon goal pace to build your endurance for a 4-hour marathon.
Q: What training volume and miles per week do I need to run faster than four hours
A: Running three times per week, adding one 30-60 minute strength training workout per week, for four months, topping out at 30-40 miles per week is the right training to prepare you to run a marathon in under four hours.
Running a sub-four-hour marathon is absolutely possible, but it will take hard work and an excellent training plan. With dedication and the right approach, you can achieve this significant milestone.
If you're looking for a good training plan, consider checking out the MOTTIV marathon training plans. These plans are designed to help you achieve your marathon goals efficiently and effectively. With perseverance and the right guidance, you'll be crossing the finish line in under three hours.
Remember, the journey is as important as the destination. Enjoy the process, stay committed, and you'll see the results. Happy running!