HElp Center
How To Add Races To Your Plan
Updated on:
July 25, 2023 4:17 PM
In the MōTTIV training app, to get a training plan generated for you, all you have to do is add a race!
- If you're on the paid Premium tier (monthly or annual), you can add as many races as you want and we'll periodize your entire season for you
- If you're on the Free tier, you can add one race at a time
To add a race:
- Click "RACES" in the app
- Under "Upcoming Races", click "Add Race"
- Input the Race Name, the Race Date, and the type of race you're doing (eg: Full IRONMAN, half-marathon, Gran Fondo Cycling Race...)
- Click the blue "Add Race" button. (It will take a couple of moments to add the race, as we alter your schedule to include the new event.)
To add more than one race (if you're on the paid Premium tier), repeat the process to add more races.
If you've made a mistake when adding your race or if, for example, the date of the race changes, you can easily edit the race information.
To edit a race at any time:
- Click "RACES" in the app
- Go to the race you want to edit and click "edit"
- Make the changes you want then click "Save Race"
- It will once again take a few moments for the system to save your new information and apply it to your plan.
To delete a race:
- Click "RACES" in the app
- Go to the race you want to edit and click "edit"
- Click "Delete Race"
- When asked "Are you sure you want to delete this race?", confirm you're deleting the correct race. Then click "Delete Race"
- It will take a moment for the system to delete the race from your plan and create a new plan for you (either based on other races in your schedule OR a Baseline training plan if you have no other races entered)
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